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Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio Club

Net Control Operators

Below you will find the latest net control schedule so you will always know who the voice of SMARC is! We take over the air and NetLogger checkins on all of our nets.

Tip: If viewing from a mobile phone, try turning your phone sideways for a better view of the chart!

id Net Date Net Operator
143 05/10/2024 Friday Night 2M TGIF Net Dave - KE0CVU
140 05/12/2024 Sunday Night Tech Net Tom - KCØNSC
136 05/17/2024 Friday Night 2M TGIF Net Franklin - KDØRSJ
137 05/17/2024 Friday Night 10M Net Tom - KCØNSC
141 05/19/2024 Sunday Night Tech Net Tom - KCØNSC
138 05/24/2024 Friday Night 10M Net Billy - NØSRO
139 05/24/2024 Friday Night 2M TGIF Net Billy - NØSRO
142 05/26/2024 Sunday Night Tech Net Tom - KCØNSC

Current Net Control Operators:

Kevin McGuire – NØKTM
Franklin Johnson – KDØRSJ
Billy Dalton – NØSRO
Tom Wright – KC0NSC
Jordan Justus – NØRK

Backup Control Operators:

Steve Palmer – KAØSPM
Rodney Mallonee – KØFZ
Heather Hagen – KEØNHL
Wes Cooper – AEØOC

Our dedicated net control operators play a vital role in orchestrating the various nets held on the SMARC repeaters with precision and efficiency. Utilizing the user-friendly Net Logger software, we offer hams the convenience of pre-checking into the net and gaining insights into the roster of participants. This behind-the-scenes view enhances the net experience, fostering a sense of connectivity and camaraderie among fellow operators. Additionally, Net Logger features an instant messenger tool, enabling logged-in users to engage in real-time conversations or communicate directly with the net control. Currently, we are actively seeking additional net control operators specifically for our 10-meter net at 7 PM on Friday nights. If you’re interested in taking on this rewarding role and contributing to the vibrant ham radio community, we welcome your participation and enthusiasm.

SMARC enlists the help of any member who can multitask and entertain those who join us for our club nets. If you are interested in becoming a net control operator, email [email protected] for more information, requirements and instructions on how to start.

If you are already a net control operator and need to change the schedule of your next control date, email Mike at [email protected]. Please give us as much notice as possible before cancellation or trades.

Net Control Requirements:

  1. Must be in good standing with the FCC and a good standing member with SMARC.
  2. If operating 2m TGIF Net, you must have a radio and antenna that has extremely reliable communication with the 146.910 repeater.
  3. If operating the 10m Friday night Net, you must have a radio and antenna that has reliable communication in the Springfield area on 10 meters. An amplifier and a high vertical antenna is highly recommended.
  4. Have good multitasking skills.
  5. Have good communication and peoples skills to drive rag chew out of many “no traffic” check-ins.
  6. Go through at least one “sit in” of a current operator working a net and sign the Net Control Operator Duties and Responsibilities form.
  7. Must be capable of running NetLogger on your system.
  8. Streaming capabilities to Facebook is highly encouraged as we try to stream all nets that we can. This includes direct audio capture of your radio and a quality camera and microphone.

Below are our general net announcements. Feel free to use this if you are controlling the net or to read along as its given on the net!

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, this is _____________ (Call Sign)_____________ and I will be your Net Control Operator for this edition of the SMARC TGIF Friday night net! This net meets regularly every Friday night at 8 PM on the 146.91 repeater with a PL Tone of 162.2 Hz.

We are a rag chew net, so feel free to introduce yourself, share what’s been going on in your life or week, or throw out a funny joke or trivia question if you have one. If we have a trivia question tonight feel free to throw out an answer. If you need the questions repeated, just ask.

**PAUSE for repeater

Don’t forget to download Net Logger to get behind the scene chat and a full list of check-ins for the net, as well as being able to do your pre check in.

Let’s get started with announcements of interest to amateur radio:

The Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio Club meets the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Salvation Army, 1707 West Chestnut Expressway. Testing starts at 4 PM for anyone wanting to get their technician, general or extra class license. The fee for the test is $15. You MUST preregister for your FRN number with the FCC before the testing date. The meeting follows at 5PM.

Anyone interested in becoming a licensed amateur radio operator is encouraged to attend one of our meetings. You do not need to currently hold a license or be a paid member to attend. Everyone is welcome including family, friends and children. A meal is usually prepared by our exceptional cook, and anyone attending is encouraged to bring a side dish, soft drinks, or desserts to add to the menu.

**PAUSE for repeater

SMARC now offers “TRADIO” on the 2-meter net. If you have an item for sale or trade, please mention it during your check in providing the basic description and price of the item.

Sunday night features our Tech-net at 7 PM on the 146.64 repeater.

Does anyone else have announcements of interest to amateur radio or trivia, please come now.

**PAUSE for repeater and additional announcements or trivia

Note: It is the net controls job to get the participants talking a little. Ask them what’s been going on with them and do they have a trivia answer. Feel free to engage them briefly to solicit this information. As a rag chew net we strongly discourage short time check in’s.

Start Taking Check-in’s from the pre-check-in list on Net logger

Take over the air requests to check in.

Once check ins are completed, revisit trivia providers for the answer(s)

Close net:

Thank you for joining us tonight for the SMARC TGIF NET. I will now return the repeater to normal operation, this is (call sign)____________.

Net is now over. Good job!