Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio Club

SMARC Boot Camp

One of the biggest questions we get besides “how do i prepare for the test” is; “ok, i got the license. Now what?” Great question, and many people find themselves in this exact spot. In response, SMARC created the SMARC Boot Camp. A 5 hour class that goes over many aspects of the hobby and what you can do with your new license. It might even make you want to get the upgrade sooner than planned!

In general, we go over the following items during bootcamp:

  • Different analog modes and bands available
  • Digital modes
  • Repeaters/APRS/WIRES-X/Etc
  • Good audio and equipment techniques
  • Coax and antenna’s
  • Antenna building (basic)
  • Where to get new and used equipment
  • RC/Weather/Drones/other uses
  • Why you’d want to upgrade

The SMARC Boot Camp is only open to members of the club and those that have already obtained their license by the date of the class. Check out our home page and Facebook for when the next boot camp is scheduled for. We typically put on 2 per year, one in March and one in October.

ATTENTION: Due to illness, the RT66 OTA! BBQ scheduled for Saturday the 14th has had to be cancelled. We apologize for the short notice.