UPDATE: System Fusion II is now live!
3 min readUPDATE (5/9/22): After much work the past two weeks, including a very sunny day on this past saturday spent at the top of hammons tower, the 146.910 and the 444.400 are now fully upgraded and online with analog and system fusion!
The two repeaters are now linked via the System Fusion II IMRS setup. Here are the basic details:
Analog (both): Use it just like you did before with 162.2Hz as the PL tone.
91 Fusion: TX DG-ID 01 will get you into the stand alone repeater (00 will also generally work as its the default).
444 Fusion: TX DG-ID 02 will get you into the stand alone repeater (00 will also generally work as its the default).
IMRS: For now, TX DG-ID 90 will get you into the IMRS which currently contains the 91 and the 444. The time out on this is 1 minute, so if you are in an active conversation and someone gets into the repeater on the 01 or 02, they will be in the 90 until it expires.
Wires-X: Though we plan to introduce Wires-X connectivity in the future (along with others), there is currently no official Wires-X connection. Our priority at the moment is to continue to build the local IMRS linked system before introducing out of area connections.
As a side note, in almost all situations we recommend leaving all RX DG-ID’s at 00. There are uses for setting this to something else, but we will discover and coordinate our recommendations with those as we expand the system.
Original article:
Its official! The new DR-2X repeater is on its way and with it brings a new wave of digital across the Springfield area!
During our last club meeting we made the decision to move forward with the System Fusion line of products to give those around Springfield and the surrounding areas a different option for Digital Voice besides DMR. Though DMR has its place, we’ve noticed a decline in usage and interest. With that notion, along with the quality products and technologies that Yaesu offers, we decided to replace our main 146.910 repeater with an Analog/C4FM hybrid repeater.
Don’t worry, all our current nets will still happen on analog at the normal times. No need to get a new radio. But, for those that already have Yaesu radios and are itching to get them on the air with a stable, dedicated System Fusion repeater, we will have it up soon!
We have also planned on a complete system refresh while we are up there. New antenna, new coax, new grounding and a complete cavity retune. We will also be working on getting a new amplifier working with the new repeater to extend the current coverage and stability of the system.
Stay tuned for more information as it comes along! We hope to have the new system and refresh done by the end of July, along with a brand new Net, just for System Fusion users!
With current plans and funding, you might even see a few more pop up over the next year around the area. Just another program to put the “Southwest” back in SMARC.
Got questions? Use the “Contact Us” tab above and let us know!