Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio Club

Q4 Tech Day is coming!

2 min read

Come on out and join us for Q4 tech day! Winter is coming and its time to get those radios, amps and other equipment working for the busy season!

Bring your radios, HT’s, amplifiers, tuners and other gear as we learn what goes in to making them work and better yet, why they break. Got a broken radio or equipment? No problem, we do bench repair work all day long! We have many parts and pieces available and can usually get you taken care of if a fix is possible or reasonable.

Plan to join us for as long as you can! There is a lot to learn even if engaging in conversations or demonstrations, our goal is for you to have a good time learning about this hobby.

If you are interested in amateur radio this will be a great opportunity to ask your questions. Radio programming will be available to licensed amateurs. Sorry, no scanner programming will be available.

This is a family event so kids are welcome and no alcoholic beverages will be allowed. Younger kids who attend will need to be supervised as there could be equipment present with high voltages. We take this seriously and we will take every precaution to ensure no one gets hurt at these types of events.

Date: October 26th, 2024

Time: 10am to 8pm

Location: 4094 N Farm Road 157, Springfield, MO 65803

Class: 10am with Larry Lamano. TBD on subject.

Lunch/Dinner: Lunch will be hot dogs and sides, dinner is chili.

What to bring: Please bring a side dish or a dessert to add to the mix so we have more than just chili. No need to coordinate, we can never have too much pasta salad!

Need additional details? Reach out to us on our “Contact Us” page at the top. We would love to know if you are planning to join us. Please go to our Facebook Events Page and let us know.

Liability: SMARC and those members hosting event are not responsible for accidents, slips and falls, or other injury to person or property due to inclement weather or any other situation. Please use caution while driving and parking.


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