Southwest Missouri Amateur Radio Club

Dues Successfully Renewed!

From all of us on the SMARC board, we want to personally thank you for renewing your membership. Not only are you able to continue shaping the future of SMARC and have a voice in all things club related, you help support the club with your membership dues so we can continue to put on the great actives like we did this past year. With your continued help, we can make SMARC one of the greatest radio clubs in Missouri.

Be sure you sign up for your email newsletter, The Telegraph, on the main page. Also you can sign up for our up to the minute email reflector to stay updated by going to: on

73! – The SMARC Board

ATTENTION: Due to illness, the RT66 OTA! BBQ scheduled for Saturday the 14th has had to be cancelled. We apologize for the short notice.