Location: Tech Shop At 1715 hours, President Jordan Justus calls meeting to order. A board quorum is not present. Thanks,...
Meeting is called to order by Jordan at 1709. Thanks membership for relocation of meeting to the tech-shop due to...
May's meeting is entitled: "This isn't where we usually meet" Meeting called to order by President Jordan Justus at 1800...
Jordan opens meeting at 1740. Two new people are present, Debra and John. He thanks Lewis & Regina for great...
Jordan calls meeting to order at 1739 after dinner. Visitors introduced themselves. We had 5 visitors. They were welcomed by...
March's meeting is entitled: "Show me what you got!" We'll be going over bylaw changes, show and tell, a quick...
Jordan calls meeting to order at 1734 hours. Welcomed visitors of meeting present. Thanked Lewis & Regina for the food...
Meeting called to order by Jordan at 1709. New visitors introduced themselves. Phil Huffman, Matthew Hanson, N0RPM, and one other...
Meeting started at 5:12 PM Jordan welcomed everyone to the meeting, and gave the normal instructions on bathrooms, smoking areas,...
November's meeting is entitled: "Make him do it" We'll be going over nominations and future events. Come out and and...
Meeting started at 5:08 pm, Rodney presided. Rodney welcomed people, and told where the restrooms, and designated smoking areas are....
September's meeting is entitled: "Get on the radio" We'll be operating as W6R all day with a brief business meeting...
August's meeting is entitled: "We're how old?" Come out and join us for our annual birthday dinner held at the...
July's meeting is entitled: "I have a nanoVNA, what is it?" We'll be going over the float trip and the...
June's meeting is entitled: "It aint over yet" We'll be going over the hamfest, field day and lots of other...
May's meeting is entitled: "How to track down RFI and not get burned" We'll be going over the hamfest, field...
April's meeting is entitled: "Its over at the shop" We'll be going over the hamfest, the new vintage computing group,...
March's meeting is entitled: "Home Brew out of the blue" We'll be going over the vintage computing group, hamfest updates,...
February's meeting is entitled: "business" We'll be going over 2023, ham fest, WFD fun, new groups and more! Date: February...
January's meeting is entitled: "Board" We'll be going over the board retreat, winter field day, q1 tech day, hamfest and...